Cloud Penetration Testing Service

We conduct Cloud Penetration Testing to identify weaknesses in your cloud security and suggest improvements. Our experts simulate real attacks to find vulnerabilities before hackers do.

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Level up your cloud security with human-powered pentesting
Tired of automated scans missing critical issues? Our expert ethical hackers perform in-depth, cloud-focused penetration testing. We simulate real-world attacks to uncover and understand vulnerabilities, providing you with a clear picture of your cloud security posture.
Human expertise
Forget generic reports. Our team delves deep, uncovering complex vulnerability chains that could compromise your cloud data.
Direct access to cloud security pros
Get insights from the best. Talk directly to our ethical hackers and strategize how to stay ahead of evolving cloud threats.
Holistic security
We go beyond a simple pen test. Our diverse team, including incident responders and virtual CISOs, provides a comprehensive assessment and actionable steps to fortify your cloud defenses.
Confidence in remediation
We don't leave you hanging. Our free post-remediation testing ensures vulnerabilities are addressed, so you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind.

Our cloud pen testing process: uncovering and defending

Scoping and planning
We work with you to understand your cloud environment, security goals, and compliance requirements. This helps tailor the pen test to your specific needs.
Our ethical hackers gather information about your cloud infrastructure, configurations, and potential entry points for attackers.
Cloud-specific vulnerability analysis
We delve deep into your cloud environment, scrutinizing configurations, permissions, and potential weaknesses unique to cloud security.
Exploitation and post-exploitation
Our team simulates real-world attack scenarios, attempting to exploit identified vulnerabilities and understand their potential impact.
Reporting and remediation
We deliver a comprehensive report detailing all vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommended remediation steps. We prioritize findings based on risk and provide clear instructions for fixing them.
Free post-remediation testing
Upon request, we offer a follow-up assessment to verify that vulnerabilities have been addressed effectively.

Most common cloud vulnerabilities

Insecure configurations
Misconfigured cloud services, such as storage buckets, databases, or server instances, can expose sensitive data to unauthorized access.
Weak access controls
Inadequate authentication mechanisms, overly permissive access policies, or poorly managed credentials can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches.
Data breaches
Data stored in the cloud can be vulnerable to breaches due to weak encryption practices, lack of data segregation, or insufficient data loss prevention measures.
Denial of service (DoS) attacks
Cloud services are susceptible to DoS attacks that overwhelm resources, causing service disruptions and downtime for legitimate users.
Insufficient logging and monitoring
Inadequate logging and monitoring practices can hinder the detection of security incidents, making it challenging to identify and respond to threats promptly.
Shared technology risks
Multi-tenancy in cloud environments increases the risk of shared technology vulnerabilities, where a flaw in one tenant's application or infrastructure could impact others.
Supply chain attacks
Dependencies on third-party cloud services or integrations introduce risks of supply chain attacks, where attackers exploit vulnerabilities in these dependencies to compromise cloud environments.
Lack of compliance controls
Failure to comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards can result in legal, financial, and reputational consequences.

Types of cloud pentests we provide

Cloud penetration testing assesses a cloud environment's resilience, vulnerabilities, and recoverability by simulating attack scenarios to identify weaknesses and evaluate security measures. The three main types of cloud penetration testing are:
Black box
In this approach, the penetration testers have no prior information about the cloud infrastructure. They simulate an external attack, attempting to breach the system without any privileged insights. This type of testing assesses the strength of the cloud environment's perimeter defenses.
Gray box
Grey box testing provides penetration testers with limited knowledge of the cloud systems and user accounts. They may be granted restricted administrative privileges to simulate attacks from a partially informed position. This approach helps identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker with some level of insider knowledge.
White box
Also known as clear box testing, this approach grants the penetration testers full administrative access to the cloud systems. With complete visibility into the infrastructure, configurations, and source code, the testers can perform an in-depth analysis to identify external and internal vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weaknesses in the system architecture.

UnderDefense MAXI cloud assessment

UnderDefense MAXI Cloud Assessment evaluates your cloud security across Azure, AWS, and GCP.
Our expert team tailors assessments to each platform's security benchmarks.
Focus on multi-cloud security

UnderDefense MAXI Assessment doesn't limit itself to a single platform. It offers a holistic view of your cloud security posture across all cloud providers.

Comprehensive approach

UnderDefense MAXI Assessment covers various security aspects, including configuration review, vulnerability scanning, threat detection, and compliance checks. It also includes more advanced threat intelligence and analytics.

Centralized view

You get a consolidated report on the security posture of all your cloud environments, highlighting areas for improvement across different platforms.

Streamlined security management and improved efficiency

By consolidating your cloud security assessments into a single platform, you can save time and resources and potentially reduce overall costs compared to separate assessments for each provider.

Frequently asked questions

What are the steps involved in planning and executing a cloud penetration test?

  • Scope Definition: Define the objectives, scope, and rules of engagement for the test.
  • Reconnaissance: Gather information about the target cloud environment. 
  • Vulnerability Analysis: Identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. 
  • Exploitation: Attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access.
  • Post-Exploitation: Assess the impact of successful attacks and escalate privileges.
  • Reporting: Document findings, including vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, and recommendations for remediation.
  • Remediation Verification: Verify that identified vulnerabilities have been adequately addressed.

What are the main differences between penetration testing in traditional IT and cloud environments?

  • Infrastructure Complexity: Cloud environments often involve more complex and dynamic infrastructure than traditional IT environments.
  • Shared Responsibility Model: Cloud providers and customers share responsibility for security in cloud environments, requiring a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities.
  • Virtualization and Containerization: Cloud environments heavily utilize virtualization and containerization technologies, introducing unique attack vectors. 
  • API Security: Cloud environments rely heavily on APIs for resource management, requiring thorough testing of API security. 
  • Data Protection: Data in transit and at rest in cloud environments require robust encryption and access controls to ensure security.

What role does cloud penetration testing play in compliance standards (like PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR)?

  • Pen testing helps uncover weaknesses in your cloud environment's configuration, access controls, and data security. These vulnerabilities could potentially be exploited to violate compliance regulations regarding data protection and privacy
  • Fulfilling control requirements: Many compliance standards mandate specific security controls. Penetration testing verifies the effectiveness of these controls in withstanding simulated cyberattacks.
  • Proactive risk mitigation: By proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, you can prevent security incidents that could lead to non-compliance fines and reputational damage 
  • Regular penetration testing is often required to comply with PCI DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. 

How does cloud penetration testing support continuous improvement in security posture?

  • Cloud penetration testing helps organizations identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their cloud environments on an ongoing basis
  • Organizations can proactively detect and remediate security issues by conducting regular penetration tests before malicious actors exploit them.
  • Penetration test reports provide valuable insights into emerging threats and attack trends, enabling organizations to adapt their security strategies accordingly. 
  • Continuous testing and improvement help organizations stay ahead of evolving threats and maintain a robust security posture in their cloud environments. 

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