Dive into the structure of a professional penetration testing report with our FREE Internal PenTest Report Template!

This template is based on actual reports we deliver to clients, offering valuable insights into:

  • The complete journey: Understand each stage, from scoping to reporting, and see how we meticulously examine your web app.
  • List of Vulnerabilities: Explore security weaknesses we uncover, categorized by severity and impact.
  • Actionable remediation steps: Learn how to fix each vulnerability with clear, step-by-step instructions.
  • Business Risk Analysis: Beyond a mere A-F rating, we integrate a detailed assessment of how each vulnerability translates into tangible business risks, presented in executive language.

Download our FREE guide to:

  • The complete journey: Understand each stage, from scoping to reporting, and see how we meticulously examine your web app.
  • List of Vulnerabilities: Explore security weaknesses we uncover, categorized by severity and impact.
  • Actionable remediation steps: Learn how to fix each vulnerability with clear, step-by-step instructions.
  • Business Risk Analysis: Beyond a mere A-F rating, we integrate a detailed assessment of how each vulnerability translates into tangible business risks, presented in executive language.