Managed Detection and Response Buyer’s Guide

This MDR Buyer's Guide is your essential resource for choosing the right MDR provider. It provides vendor-agnostic expert insights to help you make informed decisions.

CISOs, IT Directors, SMB owners, and Compliance Officers:
This guide equips you to choose the perfect MDR partner, safeguarding your data and business operations.

The most important things to pay attention to when choosing an MDR provider
Download the Guide to get the full checklist, explanations, and practical tips to consider when choosing your ideal MDR vendor.
Experience and expertise
The MDR provider's tenure in the industry, the qualifications and certifications of their team members, and their track record in successfully mitigating security threats.
The MDR provider's ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing IT infrastructure and security tools. This includes compatibility with your network architecture, endpoint security solutions, cloud platforms, and other third-party applications.
Use of technology to streamline and accelerate security operations, such as threat detection, incident response, and remediation. Automation reduces manual workload, improve response times, and enhance overall threat detection and mitigation efficiency.
Human-led responses
The expertise and judgment of skilled security analysts to investigate and validate security alerts, deep dive into complex threats, orchestrate incident response procedures, and communicate effectively with your team.
Reporting and alerts
The provider must offer customizable reports covering detected threats, incident responses, security trends, and vulnerabilities. These reports enable informed decision-making and prompt responses to security threats.
Speed of detection and response
Consider the provider's advanced threat detection capabilities, rapid response protocols to minimize damage and downtime, and effectiveness in containing and mitigating threats before they escalate.
Service timeline
Gain insights into the timeline for onboarding, deployment, and ongoing service, including the MDR provider's availability. Key questions include implementation speed, ongoing support, and critical incident escalation processes.
Pricing model
Consider transparent pricing models covering subscription fees, implementation costs, and additional charges for incident response, impacting total cost of ownership. These may include per-user or per-device pricing and tiered pricing based on features.
MDR providers should have the ability to adapt and expand their services to align with your organization's evolving needs. A scalable solution can handle increased data volume, network complexity, and user activity without sacrificing performance or security.
Ensure that the MDR provider aligns with your industry's compliance requirements. This involves verifying that their security practices and solutions meet regulatory standards and guidelines relevant to your organization's sector.
Discover the top considerations when choosing an MDR provider
Get Complete UnderDefense
MDR Buyer's Guide
Navigate through the most comprehensive Evaluation Matrix 
to help you choose the right solution

Uncover your security gaps

Identify the right MDR coverage

Evaluate detection and investigation capabilities

Evaluate the expertise of the team

Check the technology integration

Assess the response capabilities

Ensure the MDR service helps you stay compliant

Evaluate custom services

And what about the MDR cost - how is it calculated?
MDR costs are typically calculated based on several factors tailored to the specific needs of each organization. Here's an overview of how MDR costs may be determined:
Service Tier
MDR providers often offer different service tiers with varying features, support, and capabilities. The cost may vary depending on the chosen tier, with higher tiers offering more comprehensive protection and additional services.
Scope of coverage
The cost of MDR services may also depend on the scope of coverage required by the organization. This includes the number of endpoints, servers, cloud environments, and other IT assets that must be monitored and protected.
Number of users
Some MDR providers base their pricing on the number of organization users requiring security monitoring and protection. Larger organizations with more users may incur higher costs.
Additional services
MDR providers may offer additional services such as incident response, threat hunting, vulnerability assessments, and compliance support. These services may be priced separately or included in bundled packages.
Customization and integration
Organizations that require custom integrations, tailored configurations, or specialized support may incur additional costs for these services.
Contract duration
The contract or subscription period can also affect the cost of MDR services. Longer-term contracts may offer discounts or incentives, while shorter-term contracts may have higher monthly fees.
Add-ons and upgrades
MDR providers may offer add-on services or upgrades, such as enhanced threat intelligence feeds, advanced analytics, or access to premium support, which can increase the overall cost.
Pricing for MDR services is often negotiable, especially for larger organizations or long-term contracts. Organizations should be prepared to negotiate pricing based on their needs and budget constraints.
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Challenges that MDR can help you resolve

Get the MDR Buyer’s Guide for expert insights and practical tips on selecting the right MDR provider